What the hell is Feminism.

Feminism is not trying to take from men,but Just trying to raise the same level as what men have. It believe in equality between the sexes.

It is a Liberating idea, it is asking for equality. Equality in gender roles inside the house and outside the house. So in short it demands a just and equitable society.

But why we need feminism? I think we definitely need feminism but at the right place for the right things and for the women who actually need it. However as long as women and other marginalized groups continue to suffer from discrimination, violence and suppression , we need feminism but feminism focusing on equality is better than men vs women.

Did feminism is really taking a wrong turn in India? The answer is hell yes because most of the self claimed feminist wants equality in alcohol, cigarette, late night party. Freedom to smoke is what majority women need or want. Nobody talks about the real problems. The real problems are far from what people discuss us online.